What I’ve been up to

Long time no blog … but for a good cause. Since my last post, I’ve:

* traveled to San Antonio for work
* traveled to New York for fun
* helped plan and execute my grandparent’s memorial service
* started renovating a house – still very much a work in progress!

And coming up in the next three weeks, I will go to Kansas City twice, once for a wedding and once for the CD release party for my fav piratical band of awesome, the Musical Blades, and then spend a week in London trying to do ALL the things.

But in the evenings I watch Classic Who (we’re currently in the midst of the second season of Doctor Who – the old stuff) and make envelopes out of maps.

(If you like them, you can even buy them, which that would make me happy.)



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Birds, tv, and how I deal with guilt


There are exactly three shows I watch regularly: Downton Abbey, Doctor Who, and Remington Steele reruns. I’m just not much of a television person – I get antsy sitting still for too long, and no matter how much I feel I’ve earned some down time, I can’t shake the guilt of sitting there doing “nothing.”

Until now. I’ve finally discovered the secret to tv without guilt: birds. Yep, birds. Felt birds, made from the scraps of other projects (my thrifty soul rejoices), and just the right kind of project to keep my hands occupied and my sense of guilt at bay while enjoying my favorite on-screen diversions.

So these sweet little birdies are made with love … and a large helping of Doctor Who. And if they start displaying any timey-wimey properties, we’ll know why.